Title: Oct 1906 – Failure of Rockwood Headgate with Northern Half Missing – High Resolution – CA113II
File Name: Oct-1906-Failure-of-Rockwood-Headgate-with-Northern-Half-Missing-High-Resolution-CA113II.jpg
Permalink: https://lifeofthesaltonsea.org/flood-timeline/images/oct-1906-failure-of-rockwood-headgate-with-northern-half-missing-high-resolution-ca113ii
File Size: 2350703 Bytes ( Windows Binary Calculated Size: 2295 KB, Linux Decimal Calculated Size: 2351 KiB )
Dimensions: 2525 × 1960 pixels
Alternative Text ( ALT ): Life of the Salton Sea -
Image on Timeline Event: https://lifeofthesaltonsea.org/flood-timeline