Sources; The Salton Sea - A Study of the Geography, the Geology, The Floristics, and the Ecology of a Desert Basin by Daniel Trembly MacDougal and Collaborators - 1914 p. 7-8 and Civil War by John Stanchak - 2000 p. 62 and The History of Imperial County California edited by Finnis C Farr - 1918 p. 3 and Report of a Geological Reconnaissance in California by William Phipps Blake made during an expedition lead by Lieutenant Robert Stockton Williamson p. 232, 248 - 250
Image(s); From WikiMedia Commons whose source is the National Archives and Records Administration that received the photograph from the Department of Agriculture, western regional office in 1953, with the original source listed as 'unknown'.
It is worth noting there are three men that are responsible for the vast majority of pictures taken during the early 20th century in the Imperial Valley. They are; Harry Thomas Cory, Charles C. Pierce, and James D. Schuyler. For pictures credited to H.T. Cory, it is possible he did not actually take all of the pictures. He worked for the Southern Pacific Railroad as an engineer and may have possibly directed assistants to take the actual pictures (There is no documentation of this, but given his role and status during the period that the Imperial Valley was flooding, it seems likely that he had assistants to help him document the events.)
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Additional information from: Wikipedia
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" style="overflow-x: hidden; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; border-color: black;"]
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Additional information from: Google Books
Civil War
Additional information from: Google Books
Additional information from: Google Books